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Voice Training 

Use Your Voice with Confidence, Power & Impact!

Are you ready to have an incredible relationship to your voice?

Your voice is your most powerful tool to impact people, convince them of your expertise, and to create profound change in the world around you. Whether professionally or privately, in 1:1 situations or in groups, isn’t it time your voice has the impact you want it to?

Through our voice training sessions, it will! Learn to unlock your complete voice and step 100% into your vocal power, starting now.

Book A Discovery Call Now
Jessica, GermanyHuman Resources

Kirbanu trains so much more than just the voice. Her work transforms the body, mind and soul. Kirbanu uses playful exercises and effective techniques to help me connect to my authentic voice and change any block or beliefs holding me back. And she does it with a lot of heart and humour!

Marie Brauburger, GermanyText & Copywriting Coach

Voice training with Kirbanu is really fun! She creates a trusting atmosphere and has an incredible number of tips on how to use and cultivate your own voice. I've only had a few sessions, and I'm already seeing huge progress 🙂 Speaking freely in front of the camera is much easier for me now!

Samantha, GermanySocial Media Manager

Thanks to Kirbanu, I see my voice as a tool that shows me in which situations I can relax more or where there may still be issues or beliefs that need to be resolved. I trust myself and my voice more now!

Kelly, FranceProject Manager

This work was amazing! Kirbanu taught me to let my whole voice out!

Diana, GermanyAuthor & Psychologist

Kirbanu has been with me for 6 months now and a lot has happened in different areas of my life, because the voice also represents so many beliefs, topics and wounds in us... Our self-expression, lived out freely and safely, opens up many doors and gives us a whole new quality of life. I'm so grateful for this work!

Your Voice, Your Identity and Voice Training

Are you happy with your voice when you use it? Whatever the situation – be it for speaking to colleagues, giving presentations, teaching classes, coaching clients or even in your private life – you should be 100% satisfied with the sound of your voice and the way you use it.

My proven voice training technique will teach you to unlock your complete voice and use it with power and impact in any situation. During our sessions, you’ll learn to:

  • Channel your vocal power
  • Speak with confidence and authority
  • Get your voice heard in the way you want it to
  • Positively influence situations using your voice
  • Change your vocal tone, pitch and charisma for more impact
  • Transform any fears and judgements holding you back
  • Develop a positive relationship to your voice
  • Become the best communicator you can be
  • Effortlessly express yourself in any situation
  • Maintain your voice in a healthy and sustainable way
Use your voice confidently, with clarity, ease and impact.

Work With Me & See How Fast Change Happens!

Book Your Free Discovery Call Now!

Without Voice Training the Limitations We Experience are Huge!

Not knowing how to use your voice correctly can be damaging overtime. Just like with food, exercise and sleep, the bad habits we develop weaken us. So in the area of sleep this might mean being overstimulated on going to bed and as a result not getting enough sleep.

And with your voice it’s a different story again. If you haven’t learned how to use your voice correctly, the bad habits you may be using when you do speak could lead to any of the following vocal problems:

  • Voice fatigue or loss when speaking for longer periods
  • A lack of vocal power or volume
  • Experiencing hoarseness, burning or itching sensations in the throat
  • Feeling like the voice is trapped in the throat
  • Breathlessness when speaking or singing
  • Instability in the pitch of your voice
  • Inability to sustain vocal tone

And this is just mechanically what happens when we don’t use our voice correctly!

What Happens When We Hold Ourselves Back

Using our voice is not as simple as opening our mouth and letting words out. It’s inside us. So this means that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs all impact our ability to let our voice out. When we haven’t learned how to use these aspects of our nature in an empowered way when we speak, then they may block us. In certain situations we may be disempowered and feel that our ability to express ourselves is limited. When this happens we might be identifying with any of the following stories:

  • “My voice is girly”
  • “I don’t have a strong voice”
  • “I get very nervous when I present”
  • “Sometimes I just sound like that”
  • “I’m simply not able to speak to that many people”
  • “My voice is naturally quiet”
  • “I’m not able to talk for that long”

Unfortunately, when we don’t educate ourselves about the voice and when we don’t question our perceived limitations, then such stories may become our lifelong reality. This is both tragic and unnecessary!

Because your voice is so much more. And when you know how to use it both correctly and intentionally, you have the power to influence situations in the way you wish to and as well as connect deeply to other people.

In fact, your voice is the most powerful tool you have to create profound change in the world around you!

Transform Your Voice

Isn’t it time to have the impact you truly want?

Book Your Free Discovery Call Now!

Step Into Your Complete Power through Voice Training

Training the voice has an empowering effect on our entire personality. As we learn to speak with confidence, power and impact we let go of fears holding us back and are able to transform limiting beliefs. This self-empowerment ripples across every facet of our lives. Our overall confidence increases. We feel more playful, experience more joy and become more connected to ourselves.

Voice training is especially useful for people in speaking intensive professions such as teachers, coaches, therapists, salespersons and public speakers, as well as for anyone wanting to generally develop their speaking or singing voice.

My goal in our voice training together is to create a holistic program around your specific needs and wishes. If you wish to strengthen your voice and have more power and impact when you speak, we’ll focus on that. Or if you want to experience the joy and freedom singing brings, then we’ll work there.

During our sessions, you’ll get:

  • A voice training program specifically focused on your needs and wishes
  • Direct feedback on your vocal challenges with guided exercises for how to overcome them
  • Voice theory with clear explanations and exercises, so you understand what you’re doing
  • Voice exercises, so you can practice what you learn during in your own time too
  • Repeated practice using material based on your goals, such as speaking exercises related to your work or songs you’d like to sing


My unique teaching method is fuelled with over twenty years of international experience as a professional singer and voice coach. It’s infused with body awareness techniques, mindfulness practices and transformative tools. This technique is fun, highly effective and easy-to-use. I’ve witnessed its power in countless students, and it’s my pleasure to share it with you now.

Let’s get started…


Kirbanu xox

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Find Your Unique Voice!

Use It With Confidence, Power and Impact!

Book Your Free Discovery Call Now!