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Finding Balance: Unveiling Secrets to Lasting Harmony

4 Effortless Ways to Embrace and Maintain Balance in Your Life!

In our super busy, overstimulated world, it’s easy to lose our sense of balance. In fact, how can we even find balance when it seems like there’s an endless list of things to do, actions to take and people to help? Everywhere we go, a flashing screen or a buzzing device demands our attention! Finding balance in daily life, it seems, have never been more difficult, or more important.

Although I personally love that technology allows us to be so connected, there are often moments in my day when I feel out of balance and find myself longing for quiet solitude. I long for a space where I can close my door, turn off my computer, shut the world out, listen to my own breathing and try to recalibrate once more.

And, with my travelling lifestyle as a musician, yogi and voice coach, finding balance has become an important skill for me to develop. I’m constantly in motion – on trains, in different cities, in front of different people – so even more than I used to, I seek to stay balanced. Over the last few years, I’ve found a few simple things that help me with this that I want to share with you here.

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Discovering the Balance Act: The Art of Finding You

I like to imagine life as a symphony, where each instrument represents a different aspect of life – work, family, finance, travel/adventure, health and self-care, education, creative exploration and dreams. Just like a conductor skilfully guides the orchestra, we need to learn how to navigate life’s song by finding balance.

Balancing the different roles you play while nurturing your passions and well-being might seem like a challenge, trust me, I know! But what results from it is a beautiful, rich and fulfilled life – a life worth living 🙂 

As we get older, and take on more responsibility in life – in work, business, family – having tools we can deploy on a daily basis to help us return to balance is imperative.

A Balancing Act: The Path to Personal Empowerment

There are a number of meta skills we can keep in mind to help us orient towards balance in life.

1. Self-Awareness:

Developing this art takes time, but it’s worth it! Self-awareness is the first step towards creating change. One helpful way to foster self-awareness is through your breath. Becoming more aware of how you breathe during your day will help you monitor your state, and employ tools to calm down when needed. Breath awareness also helps bring attention within. When you have more “space” inside, you have a deeper capacity to see your daily behaviours and make more conscious choices with ease.

2. Set Boundaries:

Setting boundaries is a topic I work on with almost all of my 1-to-1 coaching clients. Because spending all our time saying yes to others, and putting their needs before our own is one of the quickest ways to come out of balance! So, learn to say “yes” to what aligns with your goals and “no” to what drains your energy. Setting healthy boundaries is essential for maintaining balance. If setting healthy boundaries is a topic you’d like to improve at, there’s a whole section on boundary setting and expressing your “no” in my self-paced, online course: Express YourSELF!

3. Prioritize Self-Care:

Incorporate self-care into your routine, whether it’s through meditation, yoga, journaling, or simply spending time in nature. I find that taking time in the morning to prioritise myself and my needs helps me create a stable foundation for the rest of my day. And I know, many of us don’t have much time! But even 5-minutes of mindful breathing done daily in the morning can have a profound impact on the way you feel and on how your day flows.

4. Time Management:

I know, you’ve heard this phrase before! But it is an important one to help you find more balance in your day. Efficiently managing your time through a realistic schedule that includes work, personal pursuits, family needs and downtime is very helpful and will support you in having more balance. I recommend using an app, an online tool or a bullet diary for this. Sometimes it helps to get everything out of the head and onto paper in order to prioritise, find clarity and through that, balance.

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4 Simple Tips for Finding Balance

1. Keep Your Phone on Silent

Having the world at our fingertips is awesome. It makes us so connected and lets us access all the information we’d ever need. But in my honest opinion, we’re animals who haven’t evolved to constantly respond to a ping or stare endlessly at a screen. Our mindless scrolling and reacting stimulates our stress response system and makes finding balance, as well as self-acceptance, difficult.

One of my solutions to help me find a little more balance with this in daily life, is to keep my phone on silent at all times, and I set windows of time in my day when I look at it. That lets me respond to people who wish to connect to me when I want to. And it also gives me a structure for when I’m on Instagram or Facebook creating content and connecting with my followers, instead of doing this reactively throughout the day.

2. Drink Enough Water

I’m no doctor, but our bodies are 70% water, and we need to keep them topped up in order to feel good! I used to drink very little water and kept wondering why I was tired, couldn’t concentrate, had frequent headaches and generally felt out of balance. Then I started drinking more and it made a BIG difference. Lately I drink around 3 litres of water per day. I tried the 8 glasses / day tip, but it wasn’t enough for me, so I upped my water consumption again and have been feeling physically better and mentally sharper since doing so.

My balance tip here is that when I’m on tour I carry at least a 1L bottle with me at all times and when I’m at home I have a 1L tea pot on my desk that I keep filled up with herbal teas and drink until my heart’s content 🙂

3. Do Something Each Day that’s Just For You

(And has nothing to do with technology!) This can be something small that takes just a little amount of time. It’s nothing you “should” do, instead it’s something you want to do for yourself. My tip – have an empowering morning routine that motivates you into your day!

I like dedicating a period of time in the morning after waking that’s just for me and no-one else. In it, I do yoga, meditate, and do my vocal training. When I do this I feel so good, alive, empowered and in balance. In fact, I feel like I’ve already won the day before starting it. It’s awesome! And, when I don’t take this time in the morning for me, I notice the difference in my motivation, my energy and my mindset throughout the day. This never leads me to feeling good about myself or my voice.

Again, this doesn’t have to be something big – even just 10-minutes that you actively take for yourself can make all the difference. I speak about this idea more in my Mindful Morning Practice e-Book, and I created a short guided meditation series for it too that you can take a look at if you wish to.

4. End Your Day Well!

I recently noticed that how I end the day has a significant impact on my quality of sleep and how I feel when I wake up the next morning. Doing anything that stimulates my brain before bed is never good for me, so I try to avoid watching anything at least more than one hour before going to bed. With a bit of experimentation, the following end-of-day sequence helps me to sleep well, wake up feeling balanced and fuels my relationship to my voice as well as my level of self-acceptance:

  • evening face-care to wind down and feed my feelings of self-love
  • having a shower before bed to de-stress and relax
  • doing a little yin yoga in bed is great to calm down the nerves. Here’s my fav bedtime yin sequence.
  • recapping the day & giving gratitude for 5 special moments that happened & loving myself for 5 things I did
  • listening to soft music whilst reading to wind down the mind and make it sleepy

For me, doing these 4 things each day helps me feel more connected to myself and helps to bring me back into balance when i sometimes lose myself in the chaos of daily life. It opens me to experience more joy in my days, and it lets me work with more ease. I’m looking forward to hearing how they help you too!

The Path to Finding Balance is Worth it!

Balancing things in life is like a journey that changes how you handle everything and how you affect people around you. If you’re a woman who cares about growing, staying well, and making real connections, then learning how to balance the variable in your life will give you the power to shine brighter, be your most vibrant self and support you in achieving what you truly want to have in your life.

It doesn’t matter what you do – be it a business owner, coach, therapist, stay at home mum, artist, teacher, or something else – finding balance will help you to live your life well and to flow at your own rhythm.

So, think of finding balance like your own guiding song, helping you have a big, beautiful, inspiring, and ease filled life!


Kirbanu xox

About Kirbanu

Kirbanu is an Australian Bhakti musician, yoga teacher and voice empowerment coach helping you connect to your truest nature and express yourself authentically and without fear from this place. In the last 8 years, she’s given over 700 concerts and masterclasses across Europe and Australasia, and has performed at over 20 festivals and conferences. Her passion is to share practical tools that help you remove any obstacles to your deepest self-love and most authentic expression.

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